We have programs and classes for people at all levels of fitness.




CrossFit is a strength, conditioning, and overall fitness program consisting mainly of a mix of aerobic exercise, calisthenics (body weight exercises), and Olympic weightlifting. CrossFit, Inc. describes its strength and conditioning program as "constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity across broad time and modal domains".


Olympic-style weightlifting, often simply referred to as weightlifting, is the lifting of a barbell loaded with weighted plates. The main goal of our weightlifting courses is teaching proper technique while ultimately working towards building up strength while also increasing endurance. Join Clean Slate Weightlifting on Saturday mornings to dial in your technique.



What is bootcamp? In most cases, you can expect to do calisthenics, such as pullups, pushups, lunges and crunches, as well as drills and sprints. A boot camp workout is essentially a type of interval training — bursts of intense activity alternated with intervals of lighter activity- you’re guaranteed to feel the burn.


Foundations is an introductory class for beginners, and for those who are returning back to CrossFit and would like to ease back into it. Not only will we begin to work on the basic movements of CrossFit, but we will take that time to explain the “why” behind our programming, as well as what our gym is all about. You will have 5 sessions to work one-on-one with one of our coaches. You can go through your 5 sessions as quickly as you would like! If you are intimidated by CrossFit, this is a great place to start! With one-on-one attention, we will make you feel comfortable, and realize that CrossFit is anything BUT intimidating. After this course, you will have the confidence to walk into group classes knowing how to move properly and effectively.

Open Gym

Have some skills you need to work on? Wanting to work at your own pace? Open gym is a great option to utilize our equipment while maintaining your own schedule. Feel free to use any of our cardio equipment, free weights, barbells, or anything else you need for your workout.

Not sure of your fitness level?